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In the rapidly evolving fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the engineering world stands on the brink of a new era of innovation. The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering emerges as a beacon of knowledge, guiding both academia and industry through the intricacies of AI and ML applications in engineering. This journal serves as a pivotal platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research, technical breakthroughs, and comprehensive reviews.

Mission and Scope

Our mission is to foster a symbiotic relationship between theoretical advancements and practical applications in AI and ML within the engineering landscape. We aim to cover a broad spectrum of IT, AI, and ML topics, illustrating their profound impact on various engineering disciplines, from software engineering to mechanical and civil engineering, thereby driving forward industry practices and societal advancements.

For Our Contributors: Publishing with Us

We invite contributions from a diverse community of academics, engineers, data scientists, and technical professionals. Our publication process is designed to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, with strict policies against plagiarism and a commitment to thorough peer reviews and technical evaluations. By publishing with us, contributors can ensure their work receives the recognition and global exposure it deserves through integrations with global circulating platforms.

Benefits for Readers

Readers of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering gain unparalleled access to the latest research, case studies, and insights into AI and ML applications in engineering. Our journal serves as an essential resource for staying ahead in an ever-changing technological landscape, offering valuable perspectives for academics, industry professionals, and the general public alike.

Join us

As we stand at the intersection of AI, ML, and engineering, the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering commits to advancing the field through the dissemination of high-quality, impactful research. We welcome the global community of researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts to contribute to our journal, engage with our content, and join us in shaping the future of engineering.